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Welcome to the 'SEPTIC think tank' and "MAD"-inspired 'agency'


Internetional Ptd.Lty.

On the agenda of "ÆIMC Internetional" (ÆPT Insights Marketed Conspicuously on the Internet) there are 2 lofty aims: 

1. Altruism entailing a
theistic enlightenment's political targeting

Enlightened People's Takeover. 

Of all the concEPTual 'meat' (ÆPT concepts) behind the No.1 aim, only one 'muscle' (the concEPT/definiiton of Absolute Life Quality or ALQwholesomeness) may have some chance to be put to a more worthwhile than just mirth-inviting use.

Aim No. 2 is mere pie in the sky and something to derive ÆPT from. 

Much of the redundantly (and never neatly) written ÆPT take on what is going involved MAD-inspired attempts (not all successful) at emulating the arms race shaming acronym for "mutual{ly} assured destruction".


However, 3 ÆPT concepts (or concEPTs) are portmanteau terms; and of those "functure" (function fused with structure) and "actention" are rather self-explanatory. 

Not so in case of "ambiadvantageous".

It was contrived en route to build what might be the most integrative and demanding of all the acronymic concEPTs, namely EAVASIVE

EAVASIVE was arrived at not only by methods such as sem_antics and "abundant error plagued trials" (Mother Nature's only method—one that Charles Darwin recognised and made famous), I also had to resort contriving and diligently applying a 'tolerance principled' attitude. 

Anyhow, I came to agreeable enough philosophical terms with it.


"Ambiadvantageous" refers especially to mutations that manifest as adaptive behaviors (and functures) that involve CURSES as an in our recent evolution on balance advantageously motivating, or co-motivating, factor. 

Furthermore and finally (for now), the ÆPTly defined and closely related meanings of ambiadvantageous and EAVASIVE are mainly to be understood in context of the emergence (in our recent phylogeny) of our language functions.


That our "modern human" ancestors' EAVASIVEness were more staunchly aggressive than their contemporary "archaic human" cousins might be gleaned (from the ÆPT perspective) with tentative support from the recently reported finding that "Human TKTL1 implies greater neurogenesis in frontal neocortex of modern humans than in Neanderthals"


Our language functions are of course involved in much more than hypnosis (as entertainment or used as a clinical tool). 

Taken together, our human languages are a direct consequence of mutations (possibly not very many such) in our recent phylogeny—mutations that combined with and as if leveraged (but to some extent also masked) relatively recent cognitive capabilities that our chimpanzee cousins are in posession of.


After our human lineage had diverged from that of the chimpanzees and had evolved well balanced bipedalism our current cognitive and verbal capabilities would have been paved way for by at least one mutation that enabled pointing 👈👉👆👇 as a means of directing the actention of others (what others pay actention to). So, what was enhanced by the novelty (back then) of pointing, was the prior non-verbal cognitive and behavioral capacity to co-operatively exploit opportunities and deal with threats (prevent injuries or deaths). 

Mutations that happened in the genetic lineage shared by all primates became stepping stones for mutations that were key to how we humans came to function and behave (in the ways we are uniquely capable of)—including that we far more commonly pay actention and self-regulate EAVASIVEly rather than promote ALQwholesomeness by as far as realistically possible prevent CURSES from being 'put' (incurred).

Of course, the further back in our phylogeny the more accumulated functurally significant genomic changes we have in common with other animals. 

So yes, we have much in common with other animals—especially with other mammals and extra much so with other primates. 

That we do is something that can be appreciated by simple observations by knowing that science has established the fact that successive DNA-recipe changes (that began at the dawn of all life on Earth) laid the ground for all the functures (eventually also cognitive functures followed by verbal functures) responsible for the range of ways we humans are able, and unable, to behave and "pay actention" (i.e. be selectively "conscious" at roughly 3 levels or "lines"). 

Apropos which, the possibility of convergent evolutionary developments allows one to surmise that we might also share cognitive functions with cephalopods.

The first human-specific lingual functures provided extra means of exploiting environmental opportunities that were present within the extended family group of our EAVASIVEness-pioneering common ancestors. 

These mutations were successfully pioneered through the taking of opportunities in context of "sexual selection" — an aspects of natural selection that of course played out as selective sweeps within the extended family group where they had occurred.

How these mutations played out—by making their pioneers attractively impressive to potential mating partners and demotivatingly (dauntingly) impressive to mating rivals—can be easily enough imagined, so I will not 'write a screenplay' about it here.    

Only one of the acronymic ÆPT concepts, "RAT neurons" is nothing but inappropriately allusive. However, under its silly looking surface it is seriously meant and represents one aspect of how "consciousness" is ÆPTly understood). Luckily, RAT-neurons is also mirth-inviting concEPT. It is the mildest example of (only 3 official examples) of "septic" ÆPT humor.


The opposite (nice) sort of ÆPT humor is "antiseptic humor".

The only somewhat clear-cut example of a concEPT that can be made to appear as having been conceived in a squeaky clean spirit of antiseptic humor is also a concEPT that constitute most of the altruistic aspect of ÆPT.  

The 'ALQholistic' aspect of ÆPT

The concEPTual ingredient of ÆPT that is least unlikely to become appreciated and beneficially implemented is the thoroughly defined, hard-nosed and subjectivity snubbing concEPT of "Absolute Life Quality" (ALQ) or ALQwholesomeness.

ALQ (or ALQwholeseomeness) can be claimed to have been steeped or conceived in a spirit of antiseptic ÆPT humor.

It can also be claimed that an important aim of ÆIMC (and behind ÆPT) is that is to promote and apply "ALQholism encouraging" pedagogical tactics. 

Ideally (not realistically), the minds of policy-makers are to become intercEPTed and influenced by ÆIMC Internetional Ptd. Lty. (by 'ÆPT insights marketed conspicuously' on the Internet) in order to measurably raise the average degree of human societal ALQwholesomeness.

A potential side-effect of realising at least something of the anthropocentric aim of (my) ÆIMC would be an elevation of the degree of ALQwholesomeness (≅less ALQ holes) also in the brains (neural actention selection serving systems) of the sentient animals that we humans have domesticated and exploit in various ways.

There are too many to mention examples of callous treatment of sentient non-human animals by individuals of the only fauna capable of calling themselves "folk".

The owner and originator of ÆIMC (who is responsible for the copiously written but far from sufficiently edited contents of this website) prefers to have your compliments (or complaints) sent to

If you detest what you experience here then offer me hush money of a sum large enough to cause this not so plush home of ÆIMC into a permanently dormant place and its owner into a financially flush, altruistically ALQwholesomeness espousing and Atheistically Enlightening Person. Thanks in advance! 🤑

Keywords for Google Searches:

Science, Atheism, Enlightenment, Anthropogeny, Evolutionary Psychology, Psychology, Humankind, Theism, archaic humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans, universe, Ultimate Reality, 

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