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An "ALQ-hole" is a (to me fun) ÆPT metaphor for that a central non-sensory neural  portion of a by default distress driving/manifesting actention module has become chronically kept from firing (from receiving and relaying specifically such excitatory sensory-motivational messsages) because excitatory synaptic receptors at the entry point to this portion of the actention module is being pre or post synaptically blocked from relaying a toward distress destined sensory-motivational message (a message corresponding to that SHI type threat detecting sensory-motivational neurons got automatically conditioned to fire more readily and more or less chronically ever since they were originally triggered by a (by definition circumstantial) SH imploring threat.


In other words, an 'ALQ-hole' refers to metabolically muted state (a hiatus of metabolic hecticness) of neurons that are central components of an actention module prevented from relaying excitatory neural messages as the result of a reflexive "selective unconsciousness" rendering response; a specific hibernation (SH) initiating distress-blocking response; one initiated as soon as a neural ASSS has automatically assessed that it has ended up under a (by defintion always circumstantial) threat of "Specific Hibernation"  (SH) imploring type.

An ALQ-hole can also be thought of as a stretch of a neural circuitry that got blocked from being travelled on by excitatory messages destined to drive a maladaptive response of distress-type — a response that by ÆPT definition is maladaptive during a for any reason ended up under SH imploring threat.

An ALQ-hole is a consequence of a CURSES having been caused by any (from tardily to speedily ended up under) SH-imploring threat.

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