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CURSES refers to a kind of implicit memory with great many consequences.


It is ÆPT to recognize that very many human behaviors and preoccupations (actentions) are to some extent symptoms co-motivated by CURSES. 

CURSES is, by any other more or less inEPT name, an incontrovertible fact — a fact that was of theoretical importance originally to Sigmund Freud and no less so to the most refined and straightened-out (corrective of Freud's flaws) post-Freudian theory/therapy, namely Arthur Janov's Primal Theory/therapy.

CURSES represents a most influential yet also most overlooked conditioned-in neural state. Such states are more widely (but less ÆPTly) referred to as engrams (am not promoting Scientology!), as Pain or primal pain, or as post-traumatic implicit memory.

CURSES (spelt the same in singular as in plural) denotes a conditioned-in (hence endogenous) source of symptoms of selective unconsciousness as well as source of motivation (or co-motivation).

The shortest possible pertinent alternative word-strings that the ÆPT acronym CURSES can be derived from is, approximately: Conditioned-in [or simply "Conditioned"] Unconscious [rather than "kept Unconsciously] Reverberating State/s [or "Registered Stressors" (specifically SHI-type such)] Effecting Symptoms.


'It is ÆPT' to recognise and understand that a CURSES is a very important kind of "implicit memory" and that circumstantial threats of "Specific Hibernation Imploring type" prompt actention selection serving systems (that for any reason ends up under such a threat) to automatically retain a representation of it in the form of a "Conditioned-in, commonly but not always chronically kept Unconscious, Reverberatory State/s, Effecting Symptoms (maximally abbreviated to CURSES). 

CURSES are by far most commonly and consequentially conditioned-in early on (in our lives).


Thereafter, a CURSES exist as a more or less successfully kept synaptically blocked endogenous source (conceivably but very rarely just one source) of excitatory neural messages (specifically "action potentials"—signals generated by excitatory neurons and propagating along neural fibres) that represent some for any reason ended up under but thus coped with (individually survived) circumstantial threat of SHI type

A genuine CURSES is by ÆPT definition only 'put' when an individual's neural actention selection serving (& survival supporting) system registers and automatically initiates, but immediately or gradually thereafter blocks/aborts and indefinitely postpones, an active defensive distress-type response (not excluding inflammation) to a genuine SH imploring threat. 

A a particular "genuine CURSES" is not left behind in a brain (or conditioned-in to remain as a dynamic factor inside a neural ASSS) by any adversely challenging environmental factor/influence/condition (or, it is not incurred from just any environmentally presented type of situational peril or onerous ordeal) only by a 'genuinely SH imploring' circumstantial threat.

More precisely, a circumstantial threat that would not "on its own" be automatically responded to with Specific Hibernation (SH) but is only blocked~Specifically Hibernated (thereby kept unconscious/prevented from being paid distress-type actention to) because it is registered by and summates (compounds) with the sensitized sensory circuitry-aspect of a previously incurred genuine CURSES (incurred from an earlier ended up under genuine threat of SHI type) is not is a genuine SHI-type threat. 

Or, to use the tack Freudian terminology: Such basically not Specific Hibernation imploring threats are not genuinely "traumatizing". 

[I have relieved myself and derived distinKtly sEPTic humored pleasure from almost always having to use the tacky (meaning muddling) the word "trauma" for thinking, talking, and writing about how we evolved to avoid becoming aware of/having a hard time grasping lifetime challenges that this Freudian term clumsily (imprecisely) covers. I hope some intercEPTee is recEPTive enough to do the same.]  

CURSES are primarily insidious conditioned-in states in peoples brains that keeps would-be maladaptive actentions (ditto behaviors/responses) of distress type indefinitely postponed (hence kept "selectively unconscious"=not "actended" to.

​How these conditioned-in states are uniquely as if 'siphoned off' and 'derived co-motivational fuel from' within human brains has on the whole been adaptive in our evolution. However, there is no guarantee that this will continue to be so. 

The endogenous influence of a CURSES (or of CURSES plural) is primarily insidious but typically often also convertible (by an EAVASIVE 'siphoning off' or rerouting of action potentials generated at the exitatory core of CURSES).

Such action potentials can at best (most adaptively) be rerouted to some more or less directly procreation promoting opportunity-exploiting while simultaneously distress pre-empting EAVASIVE behavior or preoccupation or (≅) ditto actention.

That rerouting of CURSES does happen is ÆPTly understood in alignment with Primal Theory and with how it is (or can largely be) conventionally understood to happen thanks to aspects of Science such as biochemistry, evolutionary genetics, neuropsychology, and the heuristic/principle of "Natural Selection".

Such "siphoning" (rerouting) is possible and happens because of brain functural (≅'neurophysioanatomical' and 'neurophysiohistological') proximities and "neural plasticity".

We are typically unaware of that (and ignorant of how, and why, and the extent to which) our behaviors or preoccupations (actentions) are co-motivated by CURSES.

While not all humanly possible behaviors or preoccupations ("focuses" of actention "paid" in the primary currency of neurometabolic resources) are significantly (or even at all) motivated by CURSES, those that are can be ÆPTly described as "EAVASIVE actentions" or "EAVASIVEly coped with CURSES". 

Human actentions whereby CURSES are EAVASIVEly coped with range from being very simple to highly sophisticated in character.

More or less symbolic EAVASIVE actentions are endogenously co-motivated by rerouted action potentials generated at the sensory-motivational core of CURSES. 

CURSES refers to conditioned-in state(s) that involve a chronic but naturally variable and more or less efficient or sufficient "pain gating" (and, as a consequence, a "selective unconsciousness" maintaining) aspect of how our brains or "actention selection serving systems" work.


A (neural) "actention selection serving systems" is a concEPT that can be abbreviated to ASSS which in turn can be maximally truncated to the "AS" found right in the middle of EAVASIVE.

The "pain gating" function of brains most directly involve inhibitory neurotransmitters that are able to selectively block synaptic transmission of neural messages on their way to motivate distress; Or, what is blocked is the synaptic relay of neural signals that represent any kind of potentially distress motivating circumstantial threat or already incurred physical injury. 

What the acronym CURSES is derived from is not set in stone but the concEPT approximately stands for is a word-string that cannot be made any shorter whilst maintaining enough of its aimed for meaning. The word-string the concEPT approximately stands for is something like: "Conditioned[-in and chronically kept] Unconscious Reverberative (or repercussive) State (or states) Effecting Symptoms".

CURSES can also be approximately explained as a "conditioned-in unconscious residual state/endogenous source of excitatory sensory-motivational signals that are prevented from being relayed by inhibitory neurons responsible for (what is ÆPTly described as) "specific (post-synaptic) hibernation" (abbreviated to SH).

In other words, "a CURSES" refers to 

an automatically conditioned-in and durably sensitized state of sensory neurons that originally detected SHI threat, coupled with precise inhibitory neural functions that block the excitatory and potentially distress-motivating output of such sensory neurons.

Apropos "a circumstantial CURSES-putting threat": 

CURSES is one of two concEPTs that in tandem provide us with an ÆPT option to relieve ourselves of typically having not much choice other than to rely on the tacky Freudian terminology for analysing/talking/writing about what is left behind in brains by circumstantial threats (particular environmental perils or for any reasons ended up in predicaments or ordeals) that  "traumatize" (do psychophysiologically so). 

The to CURSES complementary concEPT is aptly allusive in a 'distinKtly' SEPTIC humored way. It was contrived to make it possible to denote genuinely traumatizing circumstantial threats with an acronymic expression that such threats very much deserve to be labeled and referred to with.

The concEPT in question is "Specific/synaptic ~Hibernation~ Imploring", or "SHI", for short.

A too seldom thoroughly recognised type of CURSES putting SHI type of threat is made up of lifetime circumstances that especially early cause fundamental social needs to go chronically unmet (often from immediately after birth and throughout infancy and early childhood).

The very most fundamental of such needs is the need for reassuringly stimulating touch and close physical contact.


Human behaviors can be and very commonly are insidiously co-motivated (endogenously so) by CURSES incurred from such and other early on ended up impacted by SHI (genuinely traumatizing) type perils or ditto predicaments or overly onerous ordeals.

ÆPT exemplifies a science-aligned explanatory philosophical text that emphasises the significance (in human affairs) of seriously frustrated social/emotional needs (commonly combined with physical, emotional and verbal abuse) early on in the lives of people and that CURSES put by such SHI type threats can, and more or less obviously do, cause "post-traumatic" symptoms. The spectrum of such symptoms (from awful to accoladed ones) are far broader than is being recognised by very close to everyone of us.

The concEPTual tool for maintaining an in-dEPTh grasp of this diffucult to accEPT fact is EAVASIVE.  

One famous example of rather awful but scientific EAVASIVEness is the cold-blooded famous experimentation on very young monkeys carried out by Harry Harlow (in the 1940ies). This research clearly showed that the most serious behavioral repercussion (psychoemotional impairment) befell those monkeys who had been most seriously touch-deprived (deprived of mothering); That is, the most "social need deprived" of these monkeys came to exhibit a propensity for spontaneous bouts of rage.

The "implicit memory" (of CURSES-type) that was left behind in the monkeys' brains as a result of their traumatizing experimental treatment [possible to  deservedly refer to in an ÆPT way as the "SH imploring threats" that Harlow made them end up under] became the source of insidious motivation behind the monkeys later "neurotic" symptom in the form of spontaneous bouts of rage.

That is, a rage not provoked by anything in their immediate environment.

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